Dangers of Commerical Fish “Farms”

In this article, Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses a documentary that reveals the problems with commerical fish operations.  It confirms what he was warned consumers about for years – that these operations are not good for either the fish or humans, that they destroy the environment, and that government agencies charged with protecting the public are actually complicit in covering up the damage.  Please take a moment to go to Dr. Mercola’s article with embedded video here.

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One Response to “Dangers of Commerical Fish “Farms””

  1. Eva
    April 15, 2013 at 8:18 PM #

    As with anything “commercial” the bottom line comes first and that seems to result in unnatural practices equalling to animals being feed things they would never eat under normal circumstances. Why people are surprised this results in an unhealthy product I just don’t know….

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