Making the Best of It

Hello Friends. What a long, crazy, tortuous year. Nearly everyone we talk to can’t wait for 2021, hoping that better things are around the corner.

Being on a remote farm has protected us from many of the inconveniences. But it hasn’t isolated us from the excessive trials that society has been swarmed with. If you were following Meduseld on Facebook, you saw the repeated late frosts we had that killed much of our vineyard. But the most sorrowful was the loss of our wonderful dog, Viggo. It is painful to even type this.


Our hearts go out to all of you who have also had these trials, and have had to endure not being able to be with loved ones in the hospital, or go to funerals, or weddings, and have had to blow kisses through closed doors and windows.

Every fiber festival we usually attend was cancelled or done virtually, which is nothing like the real thing. When you are talking about fiber, the texture and color are so important, and neither can be well experienced over a computer or phone screen.

None-the less, we are going to try to make the best of it. Meduseld still has lovely candles, yarn, roving, and some lovely handmade clothing items such as hats and corsets. We hope that you will consider supporting local businesses like ours. The mega on-line stores have made a killing this year, and will no doubt change this nation for years to come.

Expect new items to be added to the store almost daily!

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