Meduseld Back On-Line!

Meduseld’s Website is back on line after being down for the weekend. Our website’s server, C-Panel, experienced a massive outage which affected websites all over the country. If you were trying to reach us during this period or just peruse our website we apologize for any inconvenience! If this happens again and you have a Ravelry account, you can still contact us through our Ravely account.

We had a wonderful Saturday in Edinburg and met many delightful people. We ran out of business cards and our small magazine. Lots of people were eager for information on the custom clothing and corsets we are now making.

In particular there were people who approached us about the custom corsets due to back, posture, or comfort issues. I explained to people how wearing a corset had solved my umbilical hernia problem (seven children….)

Silk Victorian Style Corset

Silk Victorian Style Corset

We talked frequently about the book by Sarah A. Chrisman Victorian Secrets The author does extensive research and dubunks a lot of myths about corsets. Interesting reading.

(I recognize that some people may be uncomfortable with the issue of corsets. Modern society has taken what was a necessary garment for 400 years and turned it into a sexiness issue instead of its real purpose, which was to provide structure for a woman and support her back. Interestingly, in the past a woman was considered “lose” if she did not wear one, and now society is trying to present the opposite. I hope that we can show these garments in their historic context.)

Sunday was a complete washout! The heavy rains leaked into our tent and made it impossible to put out our clothing and yarn for people to be able to see and purchase.

You will see some changes to our website reflecting the custom, historically-inspired clothing that we are making. We are adding inventory to the store, as well. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Meduseld Will be at the Old Time Festival in Edinburg, VA

Edinburg is holding its 38th Annual Old Time festival, and we are thrilled to be included! This is an exciting festival where an otherwise quiet rural town springs to life with vendors, historic exhibits, an antique car show, food and much more. Meduseld will be there with historically inspired clothing, hats, beeswax candles and more! And of course, you can still buy our wool at the Shop on Main Street where it is available throughout the year.

Please stop by and see us!


Directions to the Festival are avialble at their website.

Wine Grapes – Staedler Noir

My tour of the gardens this morning showed this wonderful vine nearing ripeness!

The extra rain this year has had a devastating effect on trees this year, especially the grape vines. The extra moisture has been an ideal breeding ground for fungi such as black spot and powdery mildew.

We grow a wide assortment of wine and eating grapes in our one acre experimental vineyard. We are doing that intentionally in order to see which adapt best to this region’s climate, soil, and our farm’s own micro-climate. Our goal is to have as minimal a spray program as possible.

This year’s winner for adapting to the weather is this Staedler Noir, now almost ready for harvesting. We had this vine on our last farm and literally dug it up and transplanted it here 18 years ago. It is of the Noir grape family that includes Pinot and Baco, but we have been unable to identify it. It reliably produces gorgeous clusters of grapes each year, and this year was no exception. We have named it after my Prussian grandmother Margarete Steadler who was an avid gardener and inspiration for my gardening pursuits.

Staedler Noir - grapes and leaves

Staedler Noir – grapes and leaves

This vine’s biggest challenge this year was Japanese beetles. As you can see, there is minimal damage on its leaves despite the incessant rain. I have trimmed many of the leaves in order to let sunlight hit the fruit, and to encourage fresh air under the leaf canopy. They should be fully ripe in a few days.

Staedler Noir Grape Vine

Staedler Noir Grape Vine

Fortunately, I started about two dozen cuttings this Spring from this vine. Since it has displayed such resilience, it has earned a permanent larger section of the vineyard.

Meduseld Yarns Now Available in Edinburg!

We are very excited to announce that Meduseld yarns are now also available for sale at The Shop on Mainstreet in charming Edinburg, Virginia. I had the opportunity to meet Joan Reistetter, owner, yesterday and to tour her lovely shop. Filled with eye candy in every nook, her store carries antiques, silver, jewelry, and of course, an entire room deidcated to yarn and knitting. If you are seeking rare, exquisite buttons for your next sewing project, she also has one of the largest collections of those I have ever seen. Please visit her Facebook page for more information. The Shop on Main Street

You can now purchase Meduseld Yarns through three locations – online through our store, at The Shop on Main Street, as well as at the Market at Silver Lake Farms. The Market at Silver Lake farm opened the first weekend of June and speciallizes in selling crafts from local artists, as well as local produce from their farm and others, and some seriously good steaks! The Market at Silver Lake Farms

Much of our inventory is running low or out of stock due to high demand. Contact me directly if there are specific yarns or colors you are seeking so that we can customize future mill orders. This year’s fleeces will be going in soon! Thank you for your support!


Spring Inspired Rovings

Here at Meduseld we will not be daunted by this latest March snow storm.  We are determined to usher in Spring and its vibrant, cheerful shades.

Charlotte and I have been dying some gorgeous Romney roving in splendid Spring shades and we are delighted with the results!

Romney Roving - "Jetstream"

Romney Roving – “Jetstream”

Brilliant sapphire blue with teals, purple, red coral and green.  So much fun in one roving :)  Here is a closeup:

Romney Roving "Jetstream"

Romney Roving “Jetstream”

You can buy Jetstream in our store here.

Another splendid blend we are calling Copacabana, named after the famous beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Romney Roving "Copacabana"

Romney Roving “Copacabana”

Bright colors of the tropics and Carnival blended into a beach beige background.

Romney Roving "Copacabana"

Romney Roving “Copacabana”

Copacabana is available at this link.

Our third roving is inspired by our dominant Peacock, Beau.  He is best friends with Beauty and Beautiful.  Despite the cool weather, he has already grown his splendid tail for the Spring, and it trying to impress the ladies.

Romney Roving "Beau"

Romney Roving “Beau”

Romney Roving "Beau"

Romney Roving “Beau”

This roving can be found in Meduseld’s store here.

Coming soon – Macaw

March 2015 Sustainable Seed Company Code

Here it is!

Sustainable Seed Company’s discount code exclusively for Meduseld blog readers!

Use Meduseld0315 at checkout to get TEN percent off your order, not including shipping.  Cannot be combined with any other coupons.  Good until March 12, 2015.  Go to

For those of you who do larger scale gardening and farming, Sustainable Seed also has the ability to handle bulk orders.  Here’s the link for that:

Please visit their site and see the incredible variety of seeds that they have!


Vegetables Grown at Meduseld

Vegetables Grown at Meduseld

New Sustainable Seed Coupon Code Coming Soon!

Peppers hidden in the foliage.

Peppers hidden in the foliage.

Exciting News!  Meduseld and Sustainable Seed Company are once again coordinating in order to provide YOU with another discount code for orders placed on their website!  This code will be announced in the next few days, so be sure to check back often!

From their website….

Welcome to Sustainable Seed Co. – Your Source for Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds

Since 2008, offering heirloom seeds, garden seeds, and organic heirloom seeds – non-hybrid vegetable, flower, and herb seeds.. America’s best source for for heirloom vegetable seeds, heirloom grain seeds and heirloom herb seeds.

From the beginning, we wanted to only offer heirloom seeds for one reason: they’re not only our history but our security. You can save the organic seed from the open-pollinated seeds we offer, and with the proper methods, reliably get the same plants for generations to come. We’re also a CERTIFIED ORGANIC seed farm – setting us apart from many others who only resell seed. With over 1,800 varieties for you to choose from (over 700 of them bulk seed and 600 of them organic seeds), we’re also the web’s premiere source for backyard gardeners and farmers alike.

It won’t be winter forever!


Five More Days for Free Shipping!

Meduseld has some amazing yarn, and I really can’t take the credit for it.  The credit goes to our darling sheep who raise beautiful and diverse fleeces.  As most of you know, some fleeces are long and lustrous, and others are softer and have more spring.   The Shetlands and Jacobs are known for this shorter, springier fleece and one of our ewes who provides this is Buttercup.

If you have read my blog in the last couple weeks, you know that Buttercup had to have a c-section.  The baby she was carrying was enormous – almost fifteen pounds.  Unfortunately, the baby did not survive, but the veterinarians were able to save Buttercup.

Medical procedures like that are not cheap!  In order to help offset the expenses we have offered free shipping on all orders.  Please use the code Buttercup at checkout to get free shipping.  If you encounter any problems at checkout, don’t hesitate to email me at meduseld(at)

Here is a link to the store!  Meduseld Store

Dorset Down Wool


Conservatory Winter 2015

We may have had record cold temperatures last night, but in the Meduseld Conservatory it is still paradise.  I thought our readers might like a break from the bitter cold and monochromatic landscape, and see the lush greens of the growing season.  So, if you feel like sunning like this Green Anole lizard, follow me on this pictorial tour :)

Green Anole Lizard is a resident of our conservatory

Green Anole Lizard is a resident of our conservatory


Meyers Lemon Tree Blossom

Meyers Lemon Tree Blossom


Navel Orange blossoms

Navel Orange blossoms


Jabuticaba Berries and Blossom

Jabuticaba Berries and Blossom


Thomasii Banana

Thomasii Banana


Italian Flat Leaf Parsley

Italian Flat Leaf Parsley


Herb Bed

Herb Bed

When it is too cold to work outside, working in the conservatory is perfect.  Our latest project has been adding a 700 gallon Koi pond, complete with our “Bridge Over the River Koi.” (You’ll have to be older to understand that one :) )




Here, Sloan is working on the waterfall fountain.



Please remember there are only 8 days left for Free Shipping on any order from Meduseld’s store.  Please purchase some yarn to help offset Buttercup’s c-section.  The code is Buttercup.  Here is a link to our store!  Meduseld Store

Lambs 2015

We have had some more lambs the last few days.  Here is an angelic darling born this morning.  Her mother is a Jacob-Shetland cross named Elsa, and her sire is Samson, a very friendly Romney.



Here is another photo of Aslan, who was born a month ago.  He has already grown a good deal and is looking very fit.


We have been liming the pastures and will be over-seeding them with mixed pasture grasses and legumes.  The legumes fix nitrogen in the soil and provide more diverse grazing for the sheep.  February and March are good months for doing this since with the thawing ground the animals can “hoof it in.”  In other words, the sheep’s hooves press the seeds into the ground and save us from having to till the seeds into the earth.

The groundhog saw his shadow last week, but I don’t believe him.  The birds are making spring calls outside already, and the geese have been mating on the pond.  Hoping for an early Spring :)