New Sustainable Seed Coupon Code Coming Soon!

Peppers hidden in the foliage.

Peppers hidden in the foliage.

Exciting News!  Meduseld and Sustainable Seed Company are once again coordinating in order to provide YOU with another discount code for orders placed on their website!  This code will be announced in the next few days, so be sure to check back often!

From their website….

Welcome to Sustainable Seed Co. – Your Source for Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds

Since 2008, offering heirloom seeds, garden seeds, and organic heirloom seeds – non-hybrid vegetable, flower, and herb seeds.. America’s best source for for heirloom vegetable seeds, heirloom grain seeds and heirloom herb seeds.

From the beginning, we wanted to only offer heirloom seeds for one reason: they’re not only our history but our security. You can save the organic seed from the open-pollinated seeds we offer, and with the proper methods, reliably get the same plants for generations to come. We’re also a CERTIFIED ORGANIC seed farm – setting us apart from many others who only resell seed. With over 1,800 varieties for you to choose from (over 700 of them bulk seed and 600 of them organic seeds), we’re also the web’s premiere source for backyard gardeners and farmers alike.

It won’t be winter forever!


2 Responses to “New Sustainable Seed Coupon Code Coming Soon!”

  1. mabel
    June 16, 2015 at 2:17 PM #

    hi, is there a new sustainanle sed co code for jun15 please?

  2. Patroy
    September 3, 2015 at 1:09 PM #

    Looking for codes or updates of any kind. Not sure what happened but I don’t get any news or anything at all. Been brushing with Tom’s and I liked it.

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