Maryland Renaissance Festival 2013

It’s 1520.  Henry VIII reigns in England and dissension is on the rise.  None-the-less, Henry could be found revelling this weekend, along with other nobility and courtiers.  Here were some of the sights at Revel Grove.

Henry VIII Performing a Morris Dance

Henry VIII Performing a Morris Dance

The Scotts and Irish were also well represented.  We enjoyed both Scottish Bagpipes and Irish dancers.  The Rogues perform nationally

Scottish Bagpipes and Drums

Scottish Bagpipes and Drums – The Rogues


Irish Dancers

Irish Dancers


We joined Royalty taking a modest feast.  They had bread with olive oil and grapes.  No telling what was in their goblets…..

Royalty Dining

Royalty Dining

We even rode an elephant.

Elephant Ride

Essex, the 34 year old female elephant

There were many shows and plays.  Here, three men are about to start juggling the knives in their hands.  See that they are standing on tubes and platforms that roll back and forth, making this feat much more difficult. 

Knife Juggling

Knife Juggling

We were also awed by the beautiful clothes.  These dresses may inspire future sewing projects.

Ladies in period costume

Ladies in period costume

All this, and we didn’t even have to renew our Passports. 

Henry VIII reflects on the plague, or perhaps a future wife...

Henry VIII reflects on the plague, or perhaps a future wife…



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